


關鍵字 : 餵食機器人、輔具技術、嵌入式系統

The Study of an Infra-red-detector-based Meal Assistance Robot


    The needs (e.g. meals, communications, etc.) of disabled persons are essentially the same as the needs of everyone else. Disabled people aspire to live independently. To achieve this goal, they need to be able to carry out some routine and repetitive tasks by themselves. Persons who have limited control of their limbs or insufficient manual dexterity are unable to enjoy meals by themselves. They usually need their family members or friends to help them to eat meals. Eating meals becomes a tedious and heavy burden for the disabled persons and their families. A meal assistance system offers an opportunity to lessen this kind of burden. A number of meal assistance systems have been developed for disabled people. Each one has its own advantages and limitations. In this thesis, a meal assistance robot is introduced. The meal assistance robot consists of a manipulator arm with 10 degrees of freedom, an adjustable food frame with LEDs, Infra-red detectors, a puffing switch, a joystick. The meal assistance robot has the automatic face tracking functionality which allows the robot to automatically adjust its manipulator arm to place the food to the users’ mouths even if they move a little bit during the meal feeding procedure. The functionality of face tracking is implemented by the use of infra-red detectors instead of a camera. There are two operating modes in the meal assistance robot. In the autonomy mode, the user can use the puffing switch to select the food on the food tray constrained by the food frame and the robot will sequentially feed the user with the chosen food. In the semi-autonomy mode, in addition to the convenience of automatic mode, the user also can use his or her jaw to control the joystick to adjust the spoon position and enjoy the meal. Furthermore, the user can reset the manipulator arm to the safe position at any time whenever he or she blows the puffing switch.

Keywords : meal assistance robot, assistance technology, embedded system