

對於智慧型機器人而言,導航、定位、避障都是不可或缺的主要功能。因此本論文設計與研製了一台導航機器人,其無障礙的任意走向具有擬人化的行為;在定位方面,採用滑鼠與陀螺儀來估測目前的位置;而即時避障系統採用向量場直方圖(Vector Field Histogram)的技術來達成。因此,可以在未知的環境下,利用沿牆行走演算法進行探索;在已知的環境中透過廣度優先搜尋(Breadth-first search)最短路徑規劃法和即時避障系統順利到達目標地。此外,也可以透過軟體模擬無線遙控器直接對導航機器人下達指令,使其具有多元化功能的智慧型機器人。



The Development of a Navigation Mobile Robot


     One of the original application purposes of robots is to replace humans to work in a high risk environment and/or to complete tasks with a request of high precision or repetitive procedures. As modern electronics and information technologies advance, the applications of intelligent robots widely cover the many different domains, such as in the military industry, autonomous industries, life environments, health caring facilities, entertainment, and so on. As the need of an intelligent robot grows day by day, how to design and develop an intelligent robot is a very challenging task.
For intelligent robots, three most essential functionalities are autonomous navigation, localization (positioning) and obstacle avoidance. Therefore, this thesis presents a navigation robot which moves in an omni-directional way just like an anthropomorphic behavior. In positioning, we use a mouse and a gyroscope to estimate the current location of the robot. In addition, we use the Vector Field Histogram algorithm to implement a real-time obstacle avoidance system. While we use a wall-following algorithm to explore an unknown environment, we plan a shortest path in a known environment by the Breadth-first search algorithm. Furthermore, we use a real-time obstacle avoidance system simultaneously to during the navigation tour. In addition, we also develop a software application to simulate a controller to wireless command the robot. Finally, an intelligent robot with multiple functionalities was implemented.


Keyword:robot、navigation、localization、obstacle avoidance、path planning