以Kinect 2.0為基礎之姿態與關節角度量測系統
姿態評估能讓物理治療師了解病人目前的情況,並讓物理治療師幫助病人建立復健療程。目前主要的姿態評估方式是以量角器徒手進行的評估姿態,及使用關節活動度。得到結果後在填入表單中,對於電子化的病例系統而言,等於還需要再謄寫一遍,是否能有自動化的方式能將整個流程數位化呢? 本研究使用Kinect v2與色球標記的深度及色彩資訊融合的解決方法,提出(1) 姿態評估子系統以及(2) 關節角度量測子系統二套子系統,透過系統信效度測試、施測者測試及穿衣及僅著貼身衣物受測者進行測試。結果在信效度上,硬體誤差值低於兩度。衣物測試上,兩者並無顯著差異。施測者信度則有部分達到顯著相關。也就是治療師可以讓使用者不須脫衣的情況下就能完成評估,讓本系統有機會能運用在臨床評估上。




A Kinect 2.0-based Posture and Joint Motion Assessment System
Through posture evaluation, physiotherapist examined patient's body shape and built rehabilitation program. Conventional postural evaluation used goniometer. Therapist used goniometer as a conventional tool to evaluate posture and range of motion and filled the evaluation form manually. It is not compatible and convenient with electric with electronic medical record in clinical. The research construct a evaluation system with Kinect V2 and color marker to capture patient's posture and dynamic range of motion with clothes and with underwear. The result indicates that the validity and reliability is the same as previous research. There is no significant difference in patient with clothes and patient with underwear. Therapists could use this system to evaluate patient more convenient and private in clinics.

Keywords : physical therapy, evaluation form, range of motion, posture assessment, Kinect v2.