點讀筆(Reading Pen)是最近這幾年新崛起的語音輔助教材,其存在主要是為了突破紙本出版無法發聲達到訓練「聽」的功能而發展出來的新學習方式。本論文的目的是開發一個可以安裝在Android平台上的QR Code掃描軟體,此軟體和一般市售的點讀筆一樣,可以經由掃描QR Code來進行英語教材的英文單字翻譯以及朗讀課文,但差異性是市售點讀筆都要搭配相對應的書本才能夠進行朗讀,所以若是這本書看完了,點讀筆就不能再給其他本書來做使用。而本論文所開發的軟體則是可以讓教師自行編輯教材,來讓國中小學的學生可以把教材下載回去裝在Android的手機上,只要把相對應的音檔也載下來放到手機軟體存在的資料夾下,再搭配教師列印出來的QR Code教材即可進行學習。
結果驗證部份,我們發現使用Android手機平台來進行操作QR Code的辨識,若在光線充足且手機相機畫素若有500萬畫素以上,QR Code的辨識率都很高;若搭配學習網站的線上測驗等功能,更能完美的與使用者進行學習互動及學習成效評量。?
Implementation of An English Learning Application with Reading Pen on Android Platform
In recent years, the reading pens have been widely used as a subsidiary teaching aid. It is designed to address the constraint of traditional paper-based learning materials by converting texts into audio inputs. In this study, we aim to develop an Android-based QR Code scanning app that functions just like those commercially available reading pens. By scanning the QR Codes, it can read aloud the texts and translate English vocabulary. In addition to these basic functions, with this app, the teacher can create/edit materials and have the students download them, including the corresponding audio files, onto their Android phones to study on-the-go, while the reading pens can only be used
with specifically-designed books.
The QR Code technology has been widely recognized and used due to its high accuracy and reliability. With our app and effective use of various learning websites, learning can be more interactive and student assessment more
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